Monday, May 25, 2020

A Brief History of the Young Lords

The Young Lords was  a Puerto Rican political and social action organization that began on the streets of Chicago and New York City in the late 1960s.  The organization disbanded by the mid-1970s, but their radical grassroots campaigns had long-lasting impacts. Historical Context In 1917, the U.S. Congress passed the Jones-Shafroth Act, which granted U.S. citizenship to citizens of Puerto Rico. That same year, Congress also passed the Selective Service Act of 1917, which required all male U.S. citizens between the ages of 21 and 30 to register and potentially be selected for military service. As a result of their newfound citizenship and the extension of the Selective Service Act, approximately 18,000 Puerto Rican men fought for the U.S. in World War I.   At the same time, the U.S. government encouraged and recruited Puerto Rican men to migrate to the U.S. mainland to work in factories and shipyards.  Puerto Rican communities in urban areas like Brooklyn and in Harlem grew, and continued to grow after World War I and during World War II. By the late 1960s, 9.3 million Puerto Ricans lived in New York City. Many other Puerto Ricans migrated to Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Origins and Early Social Activism As Puerto Rican communities grew, dwindling economic resources like proper housing, education, employment, and healthcare became increasingly problematic. Despite their involvement in the wartime labor force and  participation in the front lines of both world wars, Puerto Ricans faced racism, lower social status, and limited employment opportunities. In the 1960s, young Puerto Rican social activists gathered in the Puerto Rican neighborhood of Chicago to form the Young Lord Organization. They were influenced by the Black Panther Partys rejection of a white-only society, and they focused on practical activism such as cleaning up neighborhood garbage, testing for disease, and providing social services. The Chicago organizers provided a charter to their peers in New York, and the New York Young Lords was formed in 1969. In 1969, the Young Lords were described as a ‘’street gang with a social and political conscience.’’ As an organization, the Young Lords were considered militant, but they opposed violence. Their tactics often made news: one action, called the â€Å"Garbage Offensive,† involved lighting garbage on fire to protest the lack of garbage pickup in Puerto Rican neighborhoods. On another occasion, in 1970, they barricaded the Bronxs decrepit Lincoln Hospital, collaborating with likeminded doctors and nurses to provide proper medical treatment to community members. The extreme takeover action ultimately led to the reformation and expansion of Lincoln Hospitals health care and emergency services. Birth of a Political Party As membership grew in New York City, so did their strength as a political party. In the early 1970s, the New York group wanted to disconnect with a perceived street gang held by the Chicago branch, so they broke ties and  opened offices in East Harlem, the South Bronx, Brooklyn, and the Lower East Side.   After the split,  the New York City Young Lords evolved into a political action party, becoming known as the  Young Lords Party. They developed multiple social programs and established branches across the Northeast. The Young Lords Party developed a political structure that resembled a complex hierarchy of parties, within the organization aligned with top-down goals. They used an established set of unified goals and principles that guided multiple organizations within the party called the 13 Point Program. The 13 Point Program The Young Lords Partys 13 Point Program established an ideological foundation that guided all organizations and people within the party. The points represented a mission statement and a declaration of purpose: We want self-determination for Puerto Ricans--Liberation of the Island and inside the United States.We want self-determination for all Latinos.We want liberation of all third world people.We are revolutionary nationalists and oppose racism.We want community control of our institutions and land.We want a true education of our Creole culture and Spanish language.We oppose capitalists and alliances with traitors.We oppose the Amerikkkan military.We want freedom for all political prisoners.We want equality for women. Machismo must be revolutionary... not oppressive.We believe armed self-defense and armed struggle are the only means to liberation.We fight anti-communism with international unity.We want a socialist society. With the 13 Points as a manifesto, sub-groups within the Young Lords Party formed. These groups shared a broad mission, but they had distinct goals, acted separately, and often used  different tactics and methods.   For example, the Womens Union sought to aid women in their social struggle for gender equality. The Puerto Rican Student Union focused on recruiting and educating high school and college students. The Committee for the Defense of the Community focused on social change, establishing nutrition programs for community members and taking on big issues like access to health care. Controversy and Decline As the Young Lords Party grew and expanded  their operations, one branch of the organization became known as the Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization. The PPRWO was explicitly anti-capitalist, pro-union, and pro-communist. As a result of these stances, the PPRWO came under scrutiny by the U.S. government and was infiltrated by the FBI. The extremism of certain factions of the party led to increased member infighting. The Young Lords Partys membership declined, and the organization was essentially disbanded by 1976.   Legacy The Young Lords Party had a brief existence, but its impact has been long-lasting. Some of the radical organizations grassroots social action campaigns resulted in concrete legislation, and many former members went on to careers in media, politics, and public service.   Young Lords Key Takeaways The Young Lords Organization was an activist group (and, later, a political party)  aimed at improving social conditions for Puerto Ricans in the United States.Grassroots social campaigns like the Garbage Offensive and the takeover of a Bronx hospital were controversial and sometimes extreme, but they made an impact. Many of the Young Lords activist campaigns resulted in concrete reforms.  The Young Lords Party began to decline  in the 1970s as increasingly extremist factions broke off from the group and faced scrutiny from the U.S. government. The organization had essentially disbanded by 1976. Sources â€Å"13 Point Program and Platform of the Young Lords Party.†Institute of Advanced Technology in the Humanities  , Viet Nam Generation, Inc., 1993,, Darrel.  The Young Lords: a Reader. New York University Press, 2010.Lee, Jennifer. â€Å"The Young Lords Legacy of Puerto Rican Activism.†Ã‚  The New York Times, 24 Aug. 2009,â€Å"New York Young Lords History.†Ã‚  Palante, Latino Education Network Service,â€Å" ¡Presente! The Young Lords in New York - Press Release.†Ã‚  Bronx Museum, July 2015,

Friday, May 15, 2020

Research Paper on Improving Organization Retention

Abstract As the professional consultant you hired to improve the retention issues in your casino, allow me to table my tender and painstakingly researched report of my findings concerning the deteriorating situation of your casino. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008), it is paramount for business firms to focus on the implementation of ideal marketing strategies if they must succeed. Sir, in this report, you will find out why most of the patrons have been disappearing never to return. You will also get to know the reasons behind why this casino has been so ineffectual, full of indifferences and with the most indubitable sullied reputation among the other casinos around. It is also in this report that you will get to know how the dealers have been deserting your casino to in other casinos irrespective of the fact that your casino pays better than all the casinos around. In this report sir, you will also find your position as a president. Cases of absenteeism are also well researched here and reported as well. Get to know why most of the managers in the accounting and other departments request their full time employees to cover for housekeeping by duties which include cleaning rooms and why the victimized junior employees should not. Discover how the workers’ wages are comparable to the neighboring casinos but end up working extra unpaid hours as compared to their counterparts for example they clean extra rooms per day as compared to their counterparts. Among other unjust, just to mention a few. Introduction I believe that leadership is prerequisite to effective management in an organization thus, without appropriate leadership skills; you cannot be an effective manager. Basically, there is an identical relationship between concepts of leadership and management. Management is a particular designated position in an organization while leadership is, being in a position that is achieved in an unofficial way therefore isolating the two terms and this should be noted in mind. I truly believe that many organizations are not shocked by customer defections and even if they did, they do it when it is too late. A good leader must be able to create a good relationship with the people he is leading since nobody can succeed alone without the solidarity of others. For any organization to succeed, the core imperative element is teamwork. Without teamwork, an organization cannot stand firm against its rivals. As the wise business men once said, if you want to go fast, go alone and if but if want to far, go with others. Every entrepreneur’s goal is to ensure that he goes far ahead of his competitors. Success in any business depends simply on profit made. Without profit, there is no active transaction going on. The most crucial pillar in a business is a client and he must be protected and pacified in all ways possible in order for him/her to come back again (Reichheld, 1996) Managers within their professional lines of duties should take into consideration some of most important business strategies. Some of these strategies include; the nurturing of the existing professional and social relationship between them and clients, they are obligated to train and educate their employees about interaction skills as far as their behavior is concerned, they should at all time aim at establishing a long-term and strong relationships with qualified service providers and clients they must be able to customize activities to clients at individual level. A perfect manager must be able to constantly establish switching barriers with clients in order for them not defect to other service providers. Lastly, they should be able to update clients information on a data base both private and professional information. Problems Casino’s condition is much deteriorated. During my stay here, much discrepancies and the situation needs a quick fix before things get futile beyond fix. Beginning with the housekeepers, and other dealers, workers have been resigning at a very wanting rate due to the poor working conditions due to lack of leadership in top management beginning with the president who has shown mediocrity as far as the leadership is concerned. Among the reasons why the workers have found it of no benefit to work here are; poor working conditions due to lack of protective equipments like gloves, helmet, overalls and boots among others. Low wage is also another major factor as to why the workforce is declining at a very high level. I acknowledge the fact that JC casino is the best paying casino around town. The problem is that the amount of work they do is double of what should be done normally. As a remedy, these people should be induced in order for their morale to be kept alive and therefore, o vertimes should be put at place to encourage this people work extra more hours. A casino is a profit making company with workers being core elements here. In this case, they should be taken care of in all aspects with finance being the kea basic need of every human being. Due to the absenteeism, the hotel has been forced to adjust its check in and mostly, the management has been creating rooms to accommodate extra luggage. The standard at the casino is not appealing and therefore below the recommended industry standards. Extra staff has been temporary hired to take care of the visitors’ luggage which is unusual. Discovery has as well revealed that housekeeping director Mr. Andrew Keen has been working hard to improve the situation by adding more staff but, all has been in vain since such like plans require sound support and reliable back up which unfortunately, is limited due to carelessness from the top management. The justice theory This theory is motivational since it involves the person’s value rather than their needs, reinforcements or beliefs. This theory concurs with the supposition that people largely value equality over their relationships with their fellow employees in the workstation. This is to say that when an organization hires someone for a certain job, they believe in themselves to an extent of working to the best of their level in which they also expect to be fairly treated by the same organization. This means that they exchange courtesy and due to this, the individuals hired are highly motivated. The two factor theory This theory suggests that the nature of the job itself motivates an individual but not by its condition or inducements. Two categories are contained by the two factor theories being the motivator factor and the hygiene factor. All these must be observed to guarantee the prosperity of the organization. These two theories are more crucial and must be adhered to under all circumstances. Effects There is a public outcry concerning the casino’s top management starting with the president of the casino who is reported to be toxic towards other people, arrogant, overbearing, incompetent, sluggish, merciless and elementary in leadership making the casino a no go zone for patrons and other relevant dealers. Communication has totally died from between the management and dealers making the casino a no go zone for many patrons. According to Blalock, for decades, communication skills have been consistently ranked as imperative to all managers and employees as well. (Blalock, 2005) These and many more grievances have sullied the casinos image giving birth to; laziness among workers since there is no proper guidelines from the top, carelessness among the staff has led to less productivity due to less attention that the visitors are accorded forcing them to go away following the dissatisfaction. Generally, all these atrocities have scared away visitors forcing them to go to the neighboring casinos. To reclaim the glory that JC casino had, A quick fix must be observed and emergency rescue plan enforced. Recommendations JC casino pays better than any other surrounding casinos. Despite this fact, dealers have been running away from it to go and work for the casinos which pay them less salary. This is basically due to the arrogance by the boss. The president must be sacked as soon as possible. The HR director must be accorded his powers so that he can execute his duties and responsibilities amicably. Employees’ salary must be reviewed and also their working conditions improved. Extra rooms must be preserved for emergencies just in case visitors turn out in large numbers they can be easily accommodated together with their luggage. Working hours should be observed so as not to overwork employees especially housekeeping crew. In case of overtimes, recommended additional allowances should be awarded accordingly. Inducements should be awarded to the best performing employees to help them keep their spirit of working hard. Cleanness should be maintained in rooms and preparations must be timely to avo id inconveniences with visitors. As a professional, I strongly concur with Robert Wu in his dream of a business culture with generosity, purpose and joy. Therefore, idiosyncrasy and complexity usually distinguishes professional services by being unique within and among professional firms. The proper channeled business principals give birth to professionally serviced firms with qualities such as routinization, standardization and supervision (Robert Wu, 2010) Conclusion The management is the core determinant in any business. Managers should be able to lead as an example and act as role models by showing good examples to their juniors. Some of them include punctuality, regular attendances, hardworking, selfless in duty execution, listening and meek professionally so as to be able to contain all sorts of characters the company will be serving. Companies should learn to maintain his reliable customers and ensure that they do not lose them to their rivals. References: Reichheld, F.F. (1996): Learning from the customers’ defections. Derived September 29, 2010 From Wu, R. (2010): Redeeming Business Culture. Derived September 29, 2010 from. Blalock, M. (2005): Why good communication is good business. Derived September 29, 2010 from

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Influence of Society in Mark Twains The Adventures of...

The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn Essay Society controls an individual of what they want them to think or do. Society shapes and individual of their ideas and morals leading to conflict of what one wants to do but also what society wants him to do. But when one becomes separated from society, they’re able to think for themselves more but are still conflicted by society. Eventually the individual will be able to make their own decisions without having to think about what society want them to do. This is what happens in The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, the main character Huck is conflicted in multiple situations of what he believes is right and what society believes is right. In Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck’s alienation from society illuminates Twain’s central message that being away from society can lead to an individual becoming more independent, following his own ideals and morals. In the beginning of the novel the readers see Huck being influenced by people around him in St. Petersburg, shaping him with society’s ideas and morals. Huck is influenced by many people in his life especially by the people who take care of him and are his friends. Huck is ‘sivilized’ by Widow Douglas and Miss Watson who represent the middle to upper class white Christian society back in the days, they try to teach him their own morals and ideas but ultimately their ideas and morals are corrupted by society as well. An example of this would be when Miss WatsonShow MoreRelatedHuckleberry Finn Persuasive Essay1571 Words   |  7 Pagesalmost-right word and the right word is really a large matter- ‘tis the difference between the lightning bug and lightning.†(Mark Twain). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reporting International Financial Standard -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Reporting International Financial Standard? Answer: Introducation From the analysis of annual report of Crane Group limited, it can be seen that goodwill has been subjected to an impairment test on annual basis and they are tested whenever there is an indication resulting from events and circumstances that it requires impairment. Any excess amount of goodwill should be written off in the period of determination. Over the useful life of assets, amortizations of intangible assets are done. If change in status of impairment is indicated by occurrence of any events and circumstances, then impairment testing is conducted by organization more often than annually. Crane group limited also conducts impairment testing annually for intangible assets with indefinite useful lives and the potential for impairment is indicated by circumstances and events. Moreover, reviewing of definite lived intangible assets are reviewed for impairment when there is indication that particular assets requires impairment. During the fourth year, annual impairment testing is perf ormed by company. Company has reviewed long-lived assets when it is indicated that particular assets carrying value cannot be recovered as depicted by circumstances and events ( 2018). The assessment of annual impairment is performed by organization by comparing respective carrying value of assets with their fair value of reporting units. When the estimated net book value of reporting unit is more than fair value is less than, goodwill is regarded to be potentially impaired. Establishment of fair value is done by discounting future estimated cash flow at an estimated cost of capital. In the recent impairment assessment, cost of capital considered for estimating future cash flow varied from 9% to 12%. Furthermore, organization has applied hypothetical and reasonably possible 10% decrease in fair value for evaluating the sensitivity of calculations of fair value on the impairment testing of goodwill. Crane group limited did not require impairment charges during financial year 2016, 2015 and 2014. Organization is required to make assumptions and estimates in light of certain accounting policies adopted and this have an impact on reported amount of liabilities and assets. Assumptions involved some inherent uncertainties such as judgment of management in applying the analysis of goodwill impairment. Reasonable assumptions and estimates are made by organization for calculating fair value of reporting units. Anticipated net increase or decrease in costs and current structure of costs forms the basis of assumption of profit margin ( 2018). There is periodical reviewing of assumptions and estimates and the impact of revisions are reflected in the financial statements. Impairment testing of organization has the possibility of getting impacted by subjectivity and extent of estimates and involvement of subjectivity in the impairment process has the possibility of creating difficulties in obtaining accurate inputs. Presence of higher degree of subjectivity makes the measurement of amount to be recovered is highly sensitive that lead to assumptions that cannot be verified about terminal growth rate. Methodology of impairment testing would be gamed by recoverable amount manipulation and it will have the consequence of manipulating recognition timing. The outcome of impairment testing is influenced by presence of high degree of subjectivity, as the management would act opportunistically (Cascino et al. 2016). From the analysis of annual report of Crane group limited, it can be ascertained that there exist low degree of subjectivity used in the impairment testing assumptions. The purpose of impairment testing involves goodwill allocation to cash generating units and in the event of occurrence of restructuring, goodwill is reallocated. However, management is making estimates and assumptions in determining the discount rate and cash flows and this would cause substantial fluctuations in values generated. Furthermore, impairment status of organization is dependent upon circumstances and economic events that create the requirement for impairment. Crane group management have made assumptions about forward looking statements depending upon future events that might not be accurate ( 2018). The impairment testing of Crane group limited is surprising as depicted from the analysis of annual report of company. It was so because the information about impairment testing is not presented in detailed way and there are no technical procedures in conducting impairment testing. Annual report of Crane group depicted that it adopted hypothetical changes in fair value of each reporting unit and the sensitivity of fair value is evaluated by carrying out sensitivity analysis. Assessment of impairment requires making estimates of valuation of assets and other items (Mayo 2017). After the analysis of annual report of Crane group limited, it was ascertained that impairment testing of assets is done by organization not necessarily on annual basis. Impairment testing can be conducted when there is an indication of carrying out impairment as depicted by some circumstances and occurrences of some events. Unlike some other similar companies, annual impairment testing is performed by company during fourth quarter. Impairment assessment conducted by company more recently ranges between 9% to 12% and the inherent risk of each reporting unit is tested ( 2018). Judgment of management in applying in applying to the analysis of impairment of goodwill also comes with inherent uncertainties. Moreover, long-lived assets are reviewed for impairment when the amount is not recoverable. Therefore, the surprising insights that have been gained after evaluating the annual report of company is that impairment is carried out on annual as well as quarterly basis if ind icated by events and circumstances. The fair value of reporting units to which goodwill is attributed and assigned are evaluated as per the provisions of accounting policies employed by company. Determination of existence of impairment is performed by comparing the carrying value to fair value. Establishment of fair value of reporting unit is done by discounting estimated future cash flow at cost of capital that varies and by making reasonable assumptions. It is believed by company that there do not exist any events and occurrence that has the impact of reducing the fair value of definite and infinite lives of intangible assets. Marking of financial instruments contracts are done on current basis and realizing the loss or gains that are recognized in other expenses or income. Any changes in derivatives fair value have their recognition in the comprehensive income statement ( 2018). A clear picture of financial position of reporting entity is not provided under the existing lease standard, as there is application of different accounting models for different transactions. Actual amount of liabilities of business might be more than what is represented in the balance sheet under existing standard. The current accounting for lease do no requires operating lease to be disclosed on the balance sheet and hence many leased liabilities and assets are not represented on the financial statements of reporting entity. It has been estimated by IASB that out of US $ 3.3 million worth of lease commitments all over the world, 85% of it does not appear on the balance sheet (James 2016). Hence, financial analysts and investors seeking information from balance sheets will not be provided with appropriate information and they do not reflect true figures. The lack of proper information about financial obligations and it absence on balance sheet will lead to understatement of liabilit ies. It is so because organizations having thousand worth of assets under the commitment of operating leases is not incorporated in the financial metrics. Actual financial position of company in terms of its several financial metrics is not depicted by the new standard (Horton 2018). Based on the information available on the balance sheets, investors make adjustments and thereby it does not reflect true economic reality. Former accounting standard does not make it mandatory to make presentation of operating lease on balance sheets and does not record the associated liabilities. Various financial metrics of organization such as outstanding liabilities, EBIT, net income and operating cash flows does not reflect their actual value because of absence of lease commitments on balance sheet. Organizations make lease accounting on balance sheets virtually and both operating and financing leases are not disclosed in the balance sheets (Choubey 2016). This would make total assets and liabilities arising from lease commitments to be accounted for by organization and they are not presented on balance sheet. However, companies reflect total amount of debts that is attributable which would be considerably lower than total leased assets and liabilities. It is the reason why the off balance sheets liabilities is more than the total amount of debt presented on balance sheets. The controversies associated with former accounting standard concerning lease is related to the complications of creating difference between financing and operating leases. Operating leases are more required to make disclosure on their balance sheet and this is the reason airline companies was no level playing field. Most of airline companies carry out their operations by buying their aircraft fleets and some other lease fleets (Hoyle et al. 2015). This is indicative of the fact that there exists considerable difference between financial positions of such airline companies. While, it is possible that such companies financial positions are identical. Airline companies incorporating different characteristics such as economics, pricing and risks lease Aircrafts and this is the reason there is no level playing field between such airline companies. Standard implementation is regarded as lengthy process and for controlling to track and account for leases require developing new process. Management is required to aggregate and collect necessary information needed for disclosures. Allocation and identification of no lease and lease components are also required. There would be fundamental change in accounting treatment of leases by lessee and assessment method of lease liabilities would change. Since there will be increased reported liabilities and assets as most of leases would be brought on to balance sheets. Moreover, there is no distinction between leases that are on balance sheet and off balance sheet operating leases under IFRS 16. This leads to introduction of single on balance sheet accounting model that is identical to current finance lease accounting. Some other reasons responsible for making new accounting standard for lease unpopular is increased complexities and costs in reporting (Plotnikov et al. 2017). It has been pe rceived that many reporting entities would fail covenant testing if there new lease standard becomes effective and for the lessee, organization will appear more leveraged that they are in actual terms (Hoskin et al. 2016). Organization is required to review their current leasing activities for implementation of standard and it will be time consuming for them to collect and gather data. New accounting requirements concerning leases brought by the implementation of new leasing standard would end the guesswork and rough estimates made by investors when computing the substantial lease obligations of company. There would be much needed transparency as there will be proper disclosure of lease liabilities and assets and this is indicative of the fact that there will be no longer lurking of off balance sheet lease financing (Warren 2016). Moreover, new standard will help in facilitating comparison between those that borrow for buying and those that leases. Organizations are required to make disclosure of their leasing commitments and hence there will be more transparency for liabilities that are disclosed in the balance sheet. Disclosure of leased liabilities and assets will help in brining a more flexible source of finance and expenditure related to capital (Cheng 2015). There will be better allocation of capital, better decisions by management and creating a new awarenes s about the method of leasing done by company. Furthermore, the model of current dual accounting will be eliminated by the implementation of this standard and it will help in creating distinction between off balance sheet and on balance sheet operating leases. References list: Cascino, S., Clatworthy, M., Osma, B.G., Gassen, J., Imam, S. and Jeanjean, T., 2016. The decision usefulness of financial accounting information: an experimental interview study of institutional investors Cheng, J., 2015. Small and Medium Sized Entities Managements Perspective on Principles-Based Accounting Standards on Lease Accounting. Choubey, S., 2016. IFRS 16 Leases. The MA Journal, 51(2), pp.91-94. Commerce, P., 2014. Advanced Financial Accounting. (2018).Crane Group. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2018]. Crawley, M. and Wahlen, J., 2014. Analytics in empirical/archival financial accounting research. Business Horizons, 57(5), pp.583-593. Horton, J., 2018. Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting: Theory, Practice and Evidence. Routledge. Hoskin, R.E., Fizzell, M.R. and Cherry, D.C., 2014. Financial Accounting: a user perspective. Wiley Global Education. Hoyle, J.B., Schaefer, T. and Doupnik, T., 2015. Advanced accounting. McGraw Hill. James, M.L., 2016. Accounting for Leases: A Case Exploring the Effect of the New Lease Accounting Standard on the Financial Statements. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 22(3), p.152. Johnson, K., 2014. Lease accounting: a look into the proposed standard. Matherly, M., 2015. ACCT 305-01-02 Financial Accounting Reporting I. Mayo, W., 2017. GAAP: An Analytical Study of Financial Accounting Standards (Doctoral dissertation, University of Mississippi). Plotnikov, V.S., Plotnikova, O.V. and Melnikov, V.I., 2017. O teoreticheskikh aspektakh Mezhdunarodnogo standarta MSFO (IFRS) 16 Arenda[On the theoretical aspects of the International Standard IFRS 16 Lease]. Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchetInternational accounting, (1), pp.2-15. Warren, C.M., 2016. The impact of International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)/International Financial Reporting Standard 16 (IFRS 16). Property Management, 34(3). , ?.?. and , ?.?., 2015. InteractIon and dIfferences In management and fInancIal accountIng. , (6), pp.9-14.